I am the oldest of my siblings so I will put them here in order of birth. All of these photos need some updating. Click on any picture to see a larger version. 
1997 - Monica's Wedding at Point Defiance Park near Tacoma in Washington state. I as one of 2 bridesmaids. 
1997? - Billy with his daughter Teaka. He drives a cement truck and races at the Evergreen speedway in Snohomish WA. 
Angela sitting on my mothers Harley in Spearfish, SD during the 1996 Sturgis Harley Rally. Bridget, no pictures of her at the moment 
My cousin Virginia and her now husband Sean at a Halloween Party in 1998. 
AND finally, the 2 men in my life. My husband John and his son Nick. We were married July 4th 2001 at the Las Vegas Hilton Star Trek Quark's Bar. See John is in Next Generation formal wear for the occasion. |